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Church as Event: Perspectives from the Margins

US  71.50
  • Imprint: ISPCK/CWM
  • Cover: Paperback
  • CD Included: No
  • Size (l * b): Set of 11 Books


A joint collaboration of CWM and ISPCK.

We offer you a 35% discount if you buy the complete set of 11 titles.

So grab your complete set now.


Original Price Rs.2000

Buy Now (35% Discount) Rs.2000 at Rs.1300. US $ 71.50


Titles included in the set:-


  1. Church and Human Sexuality
  2. Church and Diakonia in the Age of COVID-19
  3. Faith in the Age of Empire
  4. Church and Disability
  5. Church and Religious Diversity
  6. With Many Voices
  7. Dalitekklesia
  8. Decolonizing Oikoumene
  9. Church and Climate Justice
  10. Church and Gender Justice
  11. The Word becoming Flesh